
Calcium chloride as a chemical fertilizer

Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is a chemical compound used as a fertilizer. This compound dissolves in water to produce two ions of calcium and chlorine, and each ion is useful for plants. Follow us in the rest of this article to learn more about calcium chloride fertilizers.

Reasons for using calcium chloride fertilizer

  1. Source of calcium

Using calcium chloride as fertilizer can be useful as a method of supplying calcium to plants. Calcium is one of the elements required by plants for cell growth and development, cell wall strengthening and enzyme activity. This element plays an important role in plant cell function, cell structure and tissue stability. By providing calcium to plants, it is possible to facilitate their proper growth and development and reduce problems such as dryness or leaf spots or leaf fall and weakening of plant structure. Low calcium content in fruits and vegetables is the cause of decay and physiological disorders in fruits and vegetables. Pre-harvest calcium chloride is used to provide supplemental calcium to plants and fruit growth, as well as to delay senescence, reduce post-harvest decay, improve firmness and control the development of physiological disorders.

  1. Source of chlorine

Calcium chloride can be used as a source of chlorine for plants. Chlorine is also one of the 16 essential elements needed by plants. By supplying plants with chlorine, their photosynthetic performance can be improved and the growth and performance of plants can be affected.

  1. Helping to absorb nitrogen

Calcium chloride causes nitrogen absorption. When the soil contains more than 32% of ammonium, the roots of plants cannot reach nitrogen and eventually the roots die. The use of calcium chloride reduces the amount of ammonium, and by converting it to nitrate, it causes the roots to use nitrate.

  1. Aluminum reducer
  2. Calcium chloride reduces toxic levels of aluminum. With the migration of calcium chloride to the bottom of the roots, it reduces the toxic levels of aluminum located in that area.
  3. Adjustment of soil pH

Calcium chloride can also be useful in adjusting soil pH. Due to the alkalinity of calcium, adding calcium chloride to the soil can increase its pH and help regulate the pH balance of the soil. This can improve some problems such as soil acidification.

  1. Controlling diseases and protecting against injuries

Some diseases and infections in plants can be controlled using calcium chloride. This compound can have anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties and is effective in controlling diseases. Calcium chloride products are used as a plant nutrient in pre-harvest treatments of foliage, fruits and vegetables. Pre-harvest calcium chloride can also reduce fruit softening, post-harvest damage and partial cracking.

Forms of calcium chloride used as fertilizer

Calcium chloride as a fertilizer is usually used in two different forms: solid form and solution form.

Solid calcium chloride: This form of fertilizer is usually available as a powder or small crystals. To use solid calcium chloride as a fertilizer, you can spread it directly on the soil or mix it with the soil during watering so that it reaches the roots of the plants.

Soluble calcium chloride: In this method, calcium chloride is dissolved in water and used as a liquid fertilizer. Usually, to prepare soluble calcium chloride, a certain amount of calcium chloride is added to the volume of water. This solution can be added to the plant soil or used as foliar irrigation. Using the foliar irrigation method, sprinkle the calcium chloride solution directly on the leaves of the plants (spraying method) so that it enters the stem and root system through the skin and leaves of the plants. Calcium chloride spray increases the calcium content of the fruit and reduces problems related to calcium deficiency. For example, it has been shown that calcium chloride sprays improve the quality of oranges.

Calcium chloride intake

The use of calcium chloride as a fertilizer in the agricultural industry depends on the specific needs of each plant and cultivation conditions. For optimal use of this fertilizer, its appropriate amount should be determined based on the needs of plants and soil. Also, it should be noted that excessive use of calcium chloride may damage plants and cause side effects such as salt stress. But for optimal use of calcium chloride fertilizer of Chemy Gostar Company, you can use the following contents.

 Assessment of plant needs: First, you should check the plant’s need for calcium and chlorine. This information can be obtained from reputable agricultural sources or agricultural experts.

Soil testing: Before using calcium chloride as a fertilizer, you can test the soil to assess the amount of calcium and chlorine in it. This test can help you determine the appropriate amount of calcium chloride to correct calcium and chlorine deficiencies in the soil.

Amount of use: The amount of calcium chloride that should be applied to plants is variable and depends on the above. Typically, an application rate of about 1 to 5 pounds (about 0.5 to 2.5 kg) of calcium chloride per 1,000 square feet (about 93 square meters) of land can be adequate. However, the exact amount should be determined based on your specific needs and circumstances


Excessive use of calcium chloride can result in damage to roots and foliage, including yellow or stunted foliage and wilting of branches. Be careful when using calcium chloride because if you come across it in its concentrated form, it may cause stomach irritation, skin and eye irritation, or breathing problems.

Plants that need calcium chloride

Examples of plants that need potassium chloride fertilizer are described in this section. If you are a grower of these products, you can use Chemy Gostar’s calcium chloride product.


Tomatoes need a lot of calcium, and calcium deficiency may cause symptoms such as rotting of leaves and fruit skin. The use of calcium chloride can be useful as a source of calcium for tomatoes. The growth, quality and shelf life of tomatoes are increased by using calcium chloride (CaCl2) in the plant soil and foliage during the fruit growth stage. Also, calcium chloride sprays are used to treat blossom end rot in tomatoes.


Potatoes also need calcium. Calcium chloride can be used as a source of calcium in the soil and help to strengthen the soil structure and prevent diseases such as flower rot.


Eggplant also needs calcium and chlorine. The use of calcium chloride can help strengthen the structure of plant tissue and prevent diseases such as flower rot.


Cabbage also needs calcium and chlorine. The use of calcium chloride can help to strengthen the plant structure and prevent diseases such as rot and leaf tip burn.


Calcium chloride controls the hardness and cracking of cherries during rain.


If calcium chloride is used before harvesting, it increases the size and quality of the fruit. It also makes peaches last longer.


Bitter pit, a physiological disorder of apples, is often related to low calcium levels in the fruit. Calcium chloride is sprayed several times during the growing season to prevent bitter spot (pit) in apples after harvest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can calcium chloride harm the environment?

Calcium chloride is an environmentally friendly substance and is even found in nature. If this material is harmful, its use as fertilizer is prohibited.

Does calcium chloride harm plants?

It is a misconception that calcium chloride is harmful to plants and causes plant death. If you use the right amount of this substance and apply it correctly in the environment, it is not only harmful but also beneficial for plants.

Why is lime not used as a calcium source?

Due to its low solubility in water, lime cannot meet the calcium requirements of the plant. In addition, due to the alkalinity of the product, it causes severe alkalinization of the soil and damage to the plants, and also causes the soil to harden.


In this article, it has been tried to deal with another use case of calcium chloride. Also, the benefits of using calcium chloride fertilizer produced by Chemy Gostar Company for fruit and trees such as apple, peach, orange, etc. are given. If you want to buy this product, you can contact our sales expert.


  1. Feagley, S. E., & Fenn, L. B. (1998). Using soluble calcium to stimulate plant growth. Texas FARMER Collection.
  2. Rab, A., & Haq, I. U. (2012). Foliar application of calcium chloride and borax influences plant growth, yield, and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry36(6), 695-701.
  3. Feagley, S. E., & Fenn, L. B. (1998). Using soluble calcium to stimulate plant growth. Texas FARMER Collection.

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